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英文博客网:一个写英语日记和英语周记的好地方! China Classifieds!



  Helping each other

  The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of helping each other. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of it. Helping each other is conducive to the harmony of society. On the one hand, those who obtain helps from others can get out of trouble more smoothly and thus sense the warmth of society. On the other hand, those who offer a helping hand are more likely to improve their sense of gratification and achievement by fulfilling their personal value. To further demonstrate the importance of mutual help, I would take Wen Chuan as a case in point : how could it , after being severely damaged by the earthquake in 2008, rebuild its homeland at such a high speed without the help from people at home and abroad ?

  At no time should we underestimate the power of a helping hand. Accordingly,under no circumstances should we decline to help others when they are in need. Besides,we should be grateful for those who provide us with help when we are in trouble. Only in this way can we lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.


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