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  Directions: Women make a great contribution to the progress of modern society. But there are still some people who don’t agree with it. There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper based on the following outline.

  1. Role of women in modern society

  2. Prejudices and discrimination against women

  3. My comment

  Women play an important part in modern society. Now many women are going into professions, such as medicine, law and engineering. They comprise a large part of the workers in offices and factories. Many jobs they are engaged in are in line with their special capabilities of their sex. In addition, some of them are working up to important positions which used to be held mainly by men. There are even some businesses which are run completely by women. It is obvious that women are making an outstanding contribution to the progress of modern society.

  There are, however, still prejudices and discrimination against women in our modern society. In the first place, some people think that many jobs men do can hardly be done by women, who are physically not strong enough. In their eyes, women are the weaker sex – both physically and emotionally. Thus, women can only be suited to the performance of domestic duties. And a woman’s place is within the protective environment of the home. Secondly, they believe that most of the world-famous scientists and statesmen are found to be males. Finally, they assert that the whole society seems to have always been dominated by men only. In a word, men should enjoy more rights than do women.

  Personally, I'm firmly standing on the side of those woman right defenders. Since both men and women are equally important in human activities, they should be on an equal footing. (241 word)

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本文标题:2016考研英语作文范文推荐:现代社会妇女地位 - 考研英语作文_考研英语作文模板_考研英语作文范文


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