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  1. 自我介绍并讲明询问目的。

  2. 说明自己询问的主要内容,要简明扼要,尽量用数字列出具体问题,如first, second, third或1、2、3等。

  3. 真诚地感谢对方。


  1. As a student at... university, I am preparing for...

  2. Your answers to the questions below would help me...

  3. As we are particularly interested in... , we should be grateful if you would kindly...

  4. Could you please send me the relevant information and application form?

  5. Your answer will contribute to my project.

  6. I would appreciate receiving your answer by... ( time ).

  考研英语作文模板 询问信模板:


  You are doing a research project on the future of the printing industry. Write a letter to the industry market analyst Mr. Wang to ask for:

  1) the challenges the industry is facing 2) the role of technologies 3) the trend in the industry

  Dear Mr. Wang:

  As a student at Beijing College of printing, I am currently doing a research project on the future of the printing industry. I feel that an inside view of the market situation at this time is necessary for me to have a convincing conclusion so I am eager for your suggestions. Would you please spare a few minutes answering a few questions about the market for printing industry?

  1. In general,what challenges is the printing industry facing at this time, and what types of strategies are being used to meet them?

  2. What types of technologies are important to this industry at present and what technologies do you feel will play an important role in the near future?

  3. Do you think that this industry will experience growth in the future, and, if so, what trends do you expect to see occurring?

  If you would kindly take the time to answer these questions, I'd venture to hope you can reply it before the end of April-the deadline of my report. Thank you in advance for your attention to my request.


  Li Ming

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