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  It is clear, demonstrated in the chart above, that some changes have taken place in the number of the netizens(网民,新生词汇哦) in China in recent years. d upon the statistics provided by the chart, one can see that the number of the netizens in the city has been on an ascending trend(上升趋势) all the time. In the year of 2012, the number was merely 50 million, while within no more than several years, it went sharply up to 300 million in 2015.Meanwhile, the rural area has also witnessed a steady increase(稳定增长), reaching 115 million in 2015. It is of sensible for me to put forward some contributing factors to account for this situation. At the top of the list, with the pace of life speeding up, the Internet has become increasingly indispensable(必不可少) in our daily life. According to a reliable report, some youngsters might even spend more than 8 hours in surfing(上网) a day. In addition, we must admit that Internet, as a highly efficient means of communication, shortens the distance between people. Finally, the fact cannot be ignored that the Internet will help us keep up with the latest information wherever we are.

  From the discussion mentioned above, we can safely come to the conclusion that this phenomenon is positive and therefore beneficial. And it is sure that this established trend is bound to(必定) continue in the years to come. 

  【参考译文】 上述图表清晰地表明了近年来中国网民数量的变化。根据图表所提供的数据我们可以看到,城市网民的数量一直在快速上升,2012年这一数字仅仅是5千万,然而短短几年,到2015年就急剧攀升到3亿。与此同时,农村地区也见证了稳步上升的态势,2015年达到1.15亿。 我认为有些因素可以解释这个现象。首先,随着生活节奏的加快,互联网在我们日常生活中变得越来越不可或缺。根据一份可靠的报道,一些年轻人每天上网时间甚至超过8小时。此外,必须承认的是,网络作为一种高效的沟通方式,缩短了人与人之间的距离。最后,不容忽视的事实是,不论我们在哪里,网络可以帮助我们获取最新的信息资讯。


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