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  1)To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening/running wide/To guide the matter/situation to the best advantage, it is necessary/important to……(可用于分析建议类、原因分析类等议论文)

  2)In the face of……some people take the position that……/some people come to believe that……, to which I can't attach/add my consent.(可用于批驳分析类议论文)

  或:In the face of……people retain/take/show/assume different attitudes/position s/standpoints.(可用于各抒己见类议论文)

  或:In the face of……many people have come up with……(可用于对比分析类议论文和知识性说明文等)

  3)But many people feel puzzled about/perplexed at/over whelmed with……(the changes/situation), so this essay is intended to……(可用于批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

  4)Although lots of people follow the fashion/trend, I still set my heart on……(可用于理由陈述类议论文)

  5)To get a sense of how……we must turn first to causes for it/to what benefit(harm/problems/difference)it has brought to our society.(可用于分析建议和原因分析类议论文)

  6)This is a(n)favorable/unfavorable/unhealthy/essential/marked/grateful change/tendency/situation, but factors/causes/reasons for it are not hard to find(或but its appearance/existence derives from a variety of factors)。(用于原因分析类议论文)

  7)The progress/improvement/change(s)in……is(are)really tremendous/remarkable/prodigious/marvelous, so it is necessary to understand(see)what it(they)illustrate(s)/prove(s)/account(s)for.(用于原因分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

  8)A comparison between these changes may be a good way to learn more about……(可用于对比说明文)

  9)More insight/inspiration/truth/thought can be deduced from these changes.(可用于知识性说明文)

  10)This situation/phenomenon/trend/tendency is rather distressing/disturb ing/depressing/heart-rending, for the opposite of it is just in line with our wishes/just what is to be expected.(可用于分析建议、批驳分析和原因分析等议论文)

  11)In that case, however, I prefer to……rather than……(用于理由陈述、比较分析、批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

  12)This is what we are unwilling to see, so some way must be found out to……(可用于分析建议、对比分析、批驳分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

  13)Fortunately, however, more and more people come/begin to realize that……(可用于分析建议、对比分析和各抒己见类议论文)

  14)Unfortunately, things have worsened/come/developed to the point where……(用于分析建议、原因分析、批驳分析、各抒己见类议论文和知识性说明文)

  15)But have you ever stopped to think what/how/why……?(可用于除理由陈述之外的各种议论文和知识性说明文)

  16)If we take a further/colder/closer look at this problem/matter, however, more secrets/grounds/chances/ways will be found out for……

  (e.g.……putting it right/taking action against it/improving it)(可用于分析建议、对比分析、原因分析等议论文和知识性说明文)

  17)But this(dis)agreement ceases to exist as soon as……(用于各抒己见、批驳分析、对比分析等议论文和对比说明文)

  18)A further/deeper analysis/study/exposure of……/A further comparison between……can reveal more about……/can show us more ways to……(how to……)可用于分析建议、原因分析、对比分析、批驳分析等议论文和对比说明文及知识性说明文)

  19)If you push the analysis/study/argument/comparison/exposure further, you will see that……(用于分析建议、对比分析、批驳分析、各抒己见类议论文和对比说明文及知识性说明文)

  20)The same is true of many cases in life.(用于举例说明文)

  21)Now, let's see what would happen to……in this case/light(或in different conditions/circumstances)。(用于分析建议类议论文和对比说明文)

  22)Perhaps, it is ideal/high/ripe time for us to tackle/handle/answer/take up the question in no half-hearted manner.(用于分析建议、原因分析类议论文和知识性说明文)

  23)To be frank, I have turned the question over and over in my mind, but found no reason to sidestep it;so here are my ways to……/my reasons for……(用于理由陈述类议论文和知识性说明文)

  24)I was once cursed/perplexed/seized with this question, but I have forged/made my own way out of it.(用于知识性说明文)

  25)People from different backgrounds, however, put different interpretations on the same thing.(用于各抒己见类议论文和展开式界说性说明文)

  26)But different people hold completely different views as to its nature.(用于各抒己见类议论文和界说性说明文)

  27)If/When adopted to account for/define/expose……, it can come in different meanings.(用于具体定义说明文)

  28)If it is intended for……, however, the divergence of outlook on it ceases to continue while a new meaning to it begins to stand out.(用于归纳性定义说明文)

  29)Our life abounds with examples in point.(或The truth in the definition goes for/is applicable to many cases in our life.)(用于举例说明文)

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