bag of tricks 比喻能届时解决紧急问题而又暂时保密的好办法
The total skills, knowledge, and often secret abilities that a person has .
To be a successful in todays competitive business environment, an executive has to use everything in his bag of tricks.
blow off steam 发脾气
to release frustrationoranger that has been building up; also to celebrateordo something in a loudornoisy way
After a week of negotiations with the union, the workers decided to have a party and blow off steam.
blue chip 蓝筹股, 稳当可靠的财产
a type of stock highly valuesd for its long record of steadyorlong term earnings; also a valuable property
The investor bought 100 shares of stock in a blue chip company.
bone of contention 争论的焦点
a disagreement, dispute,orargument about something; a strong difference of opinion; a conflict
A bone of contention was the division of powers between the national and provincial governments.
The total skills, knowledge, and often secret abilities that a person has .
To be a successful in todays competitive business environment, an executive has to use everything in his bag of tricks.
blow off steam 发脾气
to release frustrationoranger that has been building up; also to celebrateordo something in a loudornoisy way
After a week of negotiations with the union, the workers decided to have a party and blow off steam.
blue chip 蓝筹股, 稳当可靠的财产
a type of stock highly valuesd for its long record of steadyorlong term earnings; also a valuable property
The investor bought 100 shares of stock in a blue chip company.
bone of contention 争论的焦点
a disagreement, dispute,orargument about something; a strong difference of opinion; a conflict
A bone of contention was the division of powers between the national and provincial governments.