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为什么你应该从现在就开始写英文博客? China Classifieds!



  (1) He got ill last week.

  (2) He was ill last week.

  (3) He fell ill last week.

  (4) He became ill last week.

  (5) He was in bad health last week.


  (1) It took him three weeks to write the article.

  (2) He took three weeks to write the article.

  (3) The article took him three weeks.

  (4) To write the article took him three weeks.

  (5) It took three weeks for him to write the article.

  (6) Writing the article took him three weeks.


  The man standing there is a policeman.

  →The man who is standing there is a policeman.

  What we should do next is unknown.

  →What to do next is unknown.

  We are thinking of how we can finish the work in time.

  →We are thinking of how to finish the work in time.

  4、综合运用同义词语与不同句式。如: “他做完练习后,便出去”,可译为:

  (1) After he had finished the exercises, he went out.

  (2) After he finished the exercises, he went out.

  (3) Having finished the exercises, he went out.

  (4) Finishing the exercises, he went out.

  (5) After finishing the exercises, he went out.

  (6) The exercises being finished, he went out.

  (7) The exercises finished, he went out.

  (8) The exercises having been done, he went out.

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本文标题:英语专四作文技巧:一句多译 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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