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  Nowadays, most companies are faced with a common problem that feeling hard to find permanent employees. Many of their employees will leave the company after a period of time. In my opinion, this phenomenon is a serious problem needs to be solved. But, we need to find out the causing reasons at first.


  First of all, employees do not get what they want. For most employees, what they want are good salary and the chance to develop. For one thing, some companies can not offer enough treatment for their employees to match their pay on work. If they are not satisfied, they will leave one day for sure. For another, if employees can find another job, which has more opportunities for advancement, they will make their choice. After all, man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.


  Knowing the reason, it is not hard to solve this problem. The company should make some measures to balance their employees’ pay and gain according to their contribution for the company. In addition, picking up some excellent people to take a refresher course is also a good measure. But employees also should devote themselves to their job.


  If both companies and employee can understand each other, both of them are able to find what they want easier.


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本文标题:专四作文范文:对于长期员工的看法 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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