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  Cosmetic surgery has become so popular in the world. Different factors contribute to this phenomenon. Firstly, technology has progressed so fast, which makes it a reality to do cosmetic surgery. Secondly, girls have the instinct to pursue beauty. We should both consider the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery.


  As we all know, the biggest advantage of cosmetic surgery is its ability to turn an ordinary face to a very lovely one. It can make up for your regret of your body, your face or any other part of your body. You may become confident in your daily life, which will make you energetic in your work, so you may make greater achievements in your career. From this point of view, cosmetic surgery fulfills our dreams.


  However, as we all know, every coin has two sides. When we sing high praises for cosmetic surgery, we should not ignore its bad effects. The biggest threat hidden behind the cosmetic surgery is its insecurity. Many tragic incidents have been reported recent years that one gets hurt or blind or even dead when she adopts a cosmetic surgery. A person only has one chance of life. Nothing in the world is more important than life. Besides the biggest threat, another disadvantage in the cosmetic surgery is its untruthfulness. Many girls pay too much more attention to her face than her heart. One’s inner world is much more important than her face. As time passes, the most beautiful face in the world will become old, unlovely, but the experience and inner character will last forever.


  So, after we discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery, a realistic choice appear before us, that is, what will you do if one day you get the chance to do a cosmetic surgery? Personally, I will not attempt. I think it is not necessary. I love my face, my legs and any part in my body.


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