

阅读 : 186 次
A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!




  Being in a romantic relationship at college is becoming increasingly common, because students are no longer told by their parents what they should do and what should not do, they are much freer than before. In my opinion, college romance has disadvantages and advantages.


  The disadvantage of college romance is that students will get distracted from their study. Once students get distracted, they will lose control easily, some students are addicted in the love relationship, they less come to class, abandon their study, that is so awful. As students, we should focus on study, it is the main duty.


  The advantage of college romance is that students can learn to take care with others and communicate with others. Once in a relationship, students have to learn to get along with girlfriend or boyfriend, the balance of the relationship is a big subject, which we can’t learn in the class.


  College romance almost happens in every student, I am not object to it, students should learn to control their emotion, not let it affect their study.


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