

阅读 :



  Walking on the street, we may meet a foreigner talking with friends in fluent Chinese. We are surprise to find that there are so many foreign people speak our country’s language, Chinese is gaining popularity around the world, more and more people speak Chinese. Some argue that this is good for the development of Chinese, while other don’t, I agree with the former.


  One the one hand, the development of Chinese means our country is becoming stronger. It is the same with English, the reason that we learn English is that we need to keep pace with the world, because the developed countries mainly speak English. The importance of Chinese is on the rise, which means our country is becoming stronger.


  On the other hand, with the Chinese speaking population becoming larger and larger, Chinese is endowed with greater vitality, which is very important for the development of a language. Language is changing all the time, so the language should keep pace with the time, now Chinese has been developed all over the world, it is good for the survival of the Chinese.


  In a word, the development of Chinese is a good phenomenon, it is a symbol of our country’s strong.


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本文标题:专四作文范文:汉语的广泛使用 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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