

阅读 : 223 次




  In China, there are many families send their kids to study abroad, because foreign education is believed to have advantages over our country’s, so when the overseas returnees come to job hunting, they are often being considered first. Does it mean overseas returnees superior to us? Actually, I don’t think so.


  First, the ones who study abroad are no longer for the only purpose-study, they are often born in a rich family, so besides study, they want to travel more. What’s more, in a free circumstance, they may lose themselves, indulging in the pub. Without hard work, they gain less knowledge, who says they know more than us.


  Second, overseas returnees are less familiar with our market. The market is very important for business, the long term’s living in the foreign country makes overseas returnees hard to adapt to the native market, they know more about the foreign market. So we also have advantages over them, we are familiar with our country’s circumstance, we can make the decision quickly.


  Therefore, I think those overseas returnees should not be regarded as superior to us. Employers should treat all the students equally, giving them the fair chance, the one who performs better, the one who wins.


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