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  Compare with the past, people pay more attention to the TV instead of reading magazines. Nowadays TV plays a more and more important and comprehensive role in our life. The TV is with incomparable strength completely changed man's life. TV affects a person's behavior habits, mainly through direct and indirect two roles.


  Direct role. Through the medium of television image, color, light, sound, music etc. transmission symbols to create a virtual human world. In daily life, our behavior habits except own learning outside, still can use the word "listen", "see" intuitive feeling, more vivid feel life. Like a TV broadcast "KFC inside", “McDonald's" ads, it is through the use of bright-colored color, make a beautiful picture, remind children even adult's appetite. Let children can see in the M, or the "grandpa", and blurt out "I want to eat McDonald's/KFC. Not only the children, but also adults are easily to be attracted by the ads from the TV. When you see on television in sport brand advertising, because it conveyed by the kind of advertising charms. That in shopping would heed these brands, even if you don't buy will also go in to see. This is the special charms of TV’s ads.


  Indirect role. On the one hand, mainly through the comprehension media expression comes out. The medium of television transmitted to our information cause our emotional resonance, and let us go to pursue honors this life, or to some outrageous behavior produce contravene psychology and so on. Move by affection and using it to teach. That’s indirect affection from people’s mind. Fang’s director of the "big earthquakes", Zhang jingchu plays a little girl who survived in Tangshan earthquake. When she grew up, seeing TV was played in about Wenchuan earthquake reports. Those some pictures are deeply hitting her heart, reminded her childhood memories that unbearable of the past. But, her first reaction is "I want to go back, there need me". Depending on the picture about Wenchuan earthquake broadcast of disbelief, inspired her heart reserves of emotion. This is a perfect example of why, here the medium of television and no direct call people want what to do, but by playing the post-disaster Wenchuan life situation, so as to evoke people's hearts that the feeblest strings.


  Undoubtedly, TV deeply affected our life. TV greatly benefits our work and life through direct and indirect roles. Without TV, humans don't know what will be what kind of.


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本文标题:专四满分作文:电视如何影响社会? - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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