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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!




  Everyone needs friends. Nobody can live without friends. If someone’s life is without friends, no matter how much he has, he must be lonely. Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, people are not only making friends in their reality life. They like knowing new friends on the internet. Some people are happy about that way of making friends, while some criticize it. Both of them have their own reasons.


  On the one hand, the supporter stands on the side that it is a better way to make various friends. As the friends online are from all over the world, people can have a chance to make friends with people in different places, instead of the people around themselves. Making friends in this way, they can broaden their vision, learning many new things and knowledge in an easy way. In other words, they can get self-improvement in their daily life. Why not go ahead with it?


  On the other hand, the protesters think it is unsafe to make friends online. As the network life is fictitious, people have no idea about what kind of the person they are talking to. It is very dangerous. If somebody want to cheat another person, it is easy to make it. The newspaper also reports that there are some people died or get hurt while they are going to see their net friend. The latent danger of making friends online always exists.


  To sum up, as far as I am concerned, making friends online has advantages and disadvantages. People should not afraid of the bad side and then give up a good chance. So I think I agree with making friends on the internet, but they still need to be careful, in case of being cheated.


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