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  What is the responsibility to a teacher? There is no doubt that it is teach student. But the problem is how to teach students. Should the teacher tell students what to do? Some people say yes, but some say no. Both of them have their own reasons. After a long time considering, I think both opinions are reasonable. My reasons are as following.


  On the one hand, for the young age students, they don’t have too much life experience and know little knowledge, so they usually need the teacher tells them what to do. As we all have been young, we know that when facing things, we will be empty in our mind at that age. We will have no idea. At that time, if the teacher can help us, tell us what to do, we will finish the things efficiently.


  On the other hand, obeying always lead to no thinking. If students always listen to the teacher what to do, and then get the answer they want. They will get used to receiving achievement without thinking. Especially for the senior students, they should try to develop their innovation, instead of waiting the answer from their teacher. Otherwise, it is not good for their healthy grow up.


  To sum up, according to the things mentioned above, we can’t judge the teacher should tell students what to do or not subjectively. It depends on students’ age characteristics. When they are young, they should have the priority to get answers from the teacher, while they grow older, they should think by themselves.


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本文标题:专四满分作文:教师是否应该告诉学生该做什么? - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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