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  As we all know since we were a kid, teacher is a sacred profession, and there is a holiday to celebrate teacher, on the day, students offer flowers to teacher to honor the sacred profession. Meanwhile, teacher has been compared to the garden. They try their best to cultivate the flowers, which will be in full bloom for the prosperity of country. However, things are changing; some teacher with low quality has destroyed lots of delicate petals.


  It has been reported in news that beast male teacher sexual assaulted little girls and even little boys. This behavior really makes people sick. Teachers are supposed to show a wonderful world of knowledge to the innocent children, instead of a dirty lust world. This kind of damage to an immature child could be permanent both in physical and mental health.


  Apart from physical injury, words also can do the fatal harm. Recently, a 10 year old boy jumps from building just because he cannot finish the self-criticism so he decided to finish his young live. The teacher has no idea that her word “Finish it or you jump” will murder a boy. This is a tragedy that made of a teacher who doesn’t pay attention to their words.


  To sum up, if someone has decided to become a teacher, they’d better have the quality to shoulder the burden, and know exactly the teacher’s responsibility which is to training students not to destroy them.


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