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  Base on the love of your job, how to keep your physical strength has become very important.


  Firstly, you need to make your body into a health status, then devote to work. Please take one hour not thinking anything, then go into mediation, while you feel comfortable, you can start to work. The status what you need to adjust include headache, giddy, and belly up, etc.


  You can also think you are just like a stone, through meditation to fully adjust the stone’s light, smooth, color and shape, etc. Making that stone change the status including the sharp, opaque and cold can be fully adjusted to luster, smooth, crystal clear, mellow and warm stone. The stone’s status is the status of our body mood, the stone’s status adjust well, that our mood status change well too.


  Secondly, in our work, don’t think too much the time for the workload, please more care your body health status, tire or not. If tire, please do more further adjustment.


  Thirdly, you had better not work more than 0:00. If happen, please also follow the above way to do the adjustment.


  Actually, working process is to keep focus on your work, don’t effected by the mood, which will cost your energy, specially need to adjust the negative emotion to positive and keep happy mood to work, this will make twice the result with half the effort.


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