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  Most students may want to be a top student. Even if they usually get poor scores, they may still want to get a better score. In fact, most university students are very intelligent. The key to perform well in university lies in improvement of their study habits.


  First of all, you need to make a plan carefully. Many people complain that they can not find time to reading books or do something that should do, and some students even say that they have so many things to do but they find out the time isn't enough. In fact, that is because they don't make a good plan to organize their time wisely. They should make a list of the important things and then make a good schedule for their time: when do the most important tasks, when do the sports, when have a rest and so on.


  Secondly, you should find a suitable place for study. Even though students can find many places for study, a quiet and bright place like a classroom or a library is preferable. Some students consider their dormitory is also a good place. This is a wrong thought, because your roommates may represent much interference.


  Lastly, you need to have some tests. When you have carry out your study plan for a period of time, you need to find time to take a test. Have a test can be a good method to check your improvement or weakness in study. Then you can make better plan to get a further progress.

  最后,你需要做些测试。但你实施计划一段时间,你应找个时间做个测试。 做测试是个检查你的学习上的进步和弱点的好方法。然后你可以制定更好的计划来取得进一步的进展。

  All in all, if you can make a nice plan, find a proper place to concentrate on your study, and make a good use of tests in time, you will certainly hold many chances to become a better student.


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本文标题:2016专四作文范文:改善学习习惯的方法 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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