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  One Major Advantage of Being Independent

  Considering how strongly prejudiced our society is against anyone who does not fit into the“independent”category, we can easily understand why independence is so important. As far as I am concerned, one of the most significant advantages I independent is that it facilitates motivation in both study and work.

  Firstly, independent students are more likely to become self-motivating learners. Students from a large state university participated in a survey on the effect of independence on perceptions of obligation. Results indicated that independence was associated with intrinsic motivation, one major factor for success. If you are an independent learner, you will be motivated to learn, manage your own learner and reflect on your learning. Bering motivated will enable you to become a successful learner and provide you with insight into your learning achievements that will in tum enhance your motivation to continue learning. Secondly, being independent at work boosts, motivation to great achievements, Taking self-employment as an important case of independence, it is shown that the self-employed derive more motivation from their work than people employed by an organization, irrespective of income gained or hours worked Independent people are more likely to focus on effective intrinsic reinforcers to make internal and controllable attributions for their success. They set goals and persist at tasks related to those goals.

  To conclude, being independent enhances motivation, which is beneficial to both study and work. (232 words)

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