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  Nowadays, with more and more young people having opportunities to attend colleges and universities, there have been drastic changes in various aspects of university education. One of the hot issues is whether university students should be required to attend classes. In my opinion, they shouldn’t. University students should have their own options about whether they will attend classes or not. First of all, by the time people started their university life, they would be mature enough to be responsible for their own decisions and behavior. They are no longer children and should be capable of determining whether or not they need to attend a given class. Secondly, the university life is more than academic study. Students are exposed to many new opportunities, which will make them grasp more practical social skills for their future. It is very important that they have the freedom to decide how to manage their time and to which they should give priority. Moreover, missing classes doesn’t necessarily mean they miss crucial information; generally this can be made up for by referring to notes of other people, though some courses, which need practical work, such as field trips and experiments, are exceptional. Last but not least, mandating student attendance is an unnecessary burden on professors, who are there to teach those who want to learn, but not to babysit. In a nutshell, university students are sensible adults, who can decide whether the classes are worth attending, especially those more self-directed courses. University courses should be optional for students rather than required.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:大学课程选修还是必修? - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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