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  Is It Worthwhile to Do Business at College?

  College days are important stage. It is important for college students to spend this period of time on academic development. However, many students are doing business in their leisure time. Opinions on this phenomenon differ from person to person. Some people think it is something worthwhile to do. Others hold that for college students only the academic work is worthwhile. I am in favor of the former. Doing business at college has got more advantages than disadvantages. The first reason is that by doing business at college, students can earn some money to pay for their study. This is sometimes very important in that it could be of great help to their parents. Secondly, doing business is a good social practice. What they have learned in class should be put into practice before it becomes useful knowledge. Those who have gained some experience at college in the field of business will prove more competitive in getting employed after graduation. Of course, one cannot ignore the fact that doing business is quite risky sometimes. If you are a green hand, you may lose money instead of making profits. Moreover, it takes a lot of time and energy. A good balance between academic work and business is vital, for at college the first priority is always academic development for all. From the above mentioned points, we can conclude that doing business at college is worthwhile only if one can keep a good balance between study and business.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:大学里创业值得么 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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