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  Are We to Resume May Day Golden Week?

  The first May Day Golden Week started in the year 2000 and was reduced to a three-day holiday a couple of years ago. This policy has given rise to a heated discussion. Some propose that we should resume May Day Golden Week, while others would like to stick to a three-day rest. I think that it is a good idea to resume it. In the first place, it is a good chance for teachers and students at school to get relaxed both physically and mentally. After hard work for a couple of months, a good rest is badly needed for better academic performance. No wonder that a resumption of May Day Golden Week is welcome at colleges and universities. Moreover, the whole community seems to suggest that the May Day Golden Week be resumed. Everyone needs a break in work after shopping or traveling. It is obvious that such resumption will be a sure stimulation of consumption, which will eventually help with employment in some way. However, whether we are to resume it or not depends heavily on the government’s reaction to the public appeal. On the one hand, an immediate resumption of the Golden Week after it was cancelled just one year ago might harm the seriousness and persistence of the state policy. On the other hand, it is only right for the policy-makers to conform to the public opinions and do what is right for the general public. From the above analysis, it is quite likely that the May Day Golden Week be resumed very soon.

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