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  Hiring Celebrities as Mating Professors

  Via Internet or other means of mass media,it is commoE to team that some super stars are employed as a guest professor of a universityT Whether it is helpful to hire personages for a university's development on hot debate from the very beginning.

  There are two voices: Some people think that stars’ social influence can do good to the enrollment of a university and raise its social degrees of approval. Besides, universities should open to society and take advantage of various social resources,inclusive of celebrities1 life experience and struggling adventure. However, others hold the opposite viewpoint. They think that a professor under a star's name is just ai) advertising stunt, and has no practical meaning to the development of the imiversity. It also diverts students* attention from their academic study.

  In my view, just as a coin has two sides, the inviting of celebrities as guest professors has both good and bad efFecU. Thus I think colleges should evaliiate the possible results thoroughly, and their choices should be based on the improvement of teaching standards and students, development. Universities should also take the features of their relevant disciplines into consideration before hiring some celebrity as a visiting professor.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:明星客座教授 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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