Shenzhen English Corner


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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!



  Here's the problem. I'm sloppy. That's why Ilike to use machines to do my work rather than dothings by hand. Machines can be creative, precise,and efficient.

  Most people think that you can only be creative if you do things by hand. However, it takescreativity to set the machine up. Once it's set up, it can repeat the same task over and overand over perfectly. If you want to write ten letters, you can set up your word processor to do it,press a button, and ten letters will be printed. It would take me forever by hand, and I wouldmake a lot of mistakes. By hand, each letter would be different. By machine, each one isperfect.

  Machines are very precise. They don't get tired and cut the wrong way. They don't getdistracted and drop some mustard on the paper. As I said, I'm sloppy, but like neatness.That's why I prefer to use machines.

  Machines are also more efficient. I'm too tired to pick up the phone and see who is callingme. My answering machine isn't tired. It's always on duty. It doesn't get tired, upset, ormoody.

  I can depend on my machines, but I can't always depend on my hand to be creative, precise,or efficient.

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本文标题:2017英语专业四级作文范文:你喜欢手工还是机器制作 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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