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  It is vividly depicted in the cartoon that a boy is running along the  racetrack with painstaking efforts, sweat pouring down his face. After a long journey, he is making the final spurt toward the finishing line, with strong determination to become the champion. It seems that he could rest for a while to enjoy the ecstasy of victory. However, straight ahead lies a sign which indicates a new "starting point" and urges him to continue rushing to the next destination.

  Undoubtedly the cartoon conveys the meaning that life is like the process of running in which one should make constant efforts and never stop making progress. Owing to the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another. Once a person stops making progress, he can hardly maintain his past glory and survive in this competitive world. As Deng Xiaoping, the great Chinese leader said, "development is the only way." No matter how powerful a country is, no matter how successful a specific institution, it will definitely seek new development in high speed. Generally speaking, neither a country nor a person can remain stagnant.

  A case in point is the successful launching of "Shenzhou V Spacecraft" which sets china in a high position of aviation and space flight. Although it means a great achievement for us Chinese, we are facing new challenges in the future and need to do further research in space technology. Another illustration is closely related to us, the examinees. If we pass this test and are fortunately admitted by a university, we shall not stop making efforts. Instead, we are confronted with the challenge of conquering the difficult graduate courses. We still have to strive for success in our future academic study, employment and career. On the whole, these examples effectively clarify the saying that "destination is another starting point." (317)

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本文标题:2017专四作文范文:终点又是新起点 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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