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  Should students take a gap year to travel or work after finishing high school or go to university directly? This has been an intensely discussed question for years. The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinion. Read carefully the opinion from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.

  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.



Spending one year travelling or working can broaden student’s horizons and enrich their knowledge to understand the world better. It is a great opportunity for them to gain exposure to a new environment and meet different types of individuals with diverse backgrounds. Sometimes they can even learn about the culture and society of other peoples.

Taking a gap year will help students to accumulate social experience. They cannot only enhance personal capacities, but also associate themselves better with the society.


During the travel or work, students may have a clear perspective of their own career development. It is not an easy task for high-school graduates to make the right choice about his or her major at university since high school always emphasizes academic development.

Parents are worried about student’s safety when they spend one year travelling or working. It is inevitable for those young students to get into trouble of one kind or another when taking a gap year. Besides, they are too young to cope with emergencies well or protect themselves from getting hurt, which might have a great impact on their future development.


It is not easy to implement this plan since not every student can find a good job or afford his or her travel after graduating from high school because of the global economic downturn.


Students may give up their academic development after taking a gap year, which will have a negative effect on their career. It is less likely for a graduate with only a high-school degree to find an ideal job with high income.

  Write your response on ANSWER SHEET THREE.


  Traditionally, students choose to go to university directly after graduating from high school. However, taking a gap year to travel or work has gained a growing popularity among high school graduates in recent years.

  Opinions vary greatly when it comes to whether students should take a gap year upon completing high school education. Some advocate that taking a gap year can help students better understand the world, enrich their social experience, and think clearly about their own career prospect. On the contrary, the opponents argue that when taking a gap year,

  students’ safety may be at risk, financial situation under stress, and their career in trouble.

  As the saying goes, “Every coin has its two sides”. There is no surprise that there remains a dispute about taking a gap year. However, as a college student, I am convinced that the advantages of taking a gap year will far outweigh the disadvantages. First and foremost, travelling or working can help students learn practical knowledge which would not be taught in school. Simultaneously, they will find out what they are lacking, which in turn aid in having greater control over their future studies. In addition, with information on the Internet, students’ curiosity will drive them to explore the unknown world. Interest is the best teacher.

  All in all, I firmly believe it is high time that we should advocate this lifestyle. Everyone has their rights to choose their own life.

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本文标题:2017专四作文预测范文:间隔年 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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