

阅读 :





  What is explicitly demonstrated in the above caricature is that there sits an individual by the river bank, fully equipped with a protective mask, who is fishing in the acid rain with an umbrella in his right hand. It is not difficult to notice that what he got from the highly polluted river is a fishbone rather than a real one and noxious gases are pouring into the sky continuously which is already dusky.

  What might trigger this phenomenon? Previously, it is widely admitted that the authorities concerned have failed to enact strict legislations and regulations to curb environmental detriment, which has exerted negative impact on the daily life of the average folks. Simultaneously, there is no denying that citizens lack of awareness of protecting the surroundings we are living in, which are vital to us. Ultimately, another contributory factor to this situation is that some folks are tempted by the economic motivation so that they put the environment at risk. .

  Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to reverse this disturbing trend. To begin with, relevant laws should be made to severely punish those who deliberately destruct the environment. In addition, the awareness of the public should be cultivated that guarding the circumstance we are dwelling in is protecting our own homeland. Only by enforcing these actions, can we effectively, efficiently and eventually crack this hard nut and embrace a promising community.

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本文标题:2018英语专四作文预测:环境保护 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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