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  Is it better to be self-reliant or, instead, to rely on those around us? In my opinion, while self-reliance is an essential quality that everyone should strive to develop, it is also crucial that we know how to enlist and accept the support of others.

  In addition to fostering greater efficiency in our daily lives, self-dependence can also help to make life more meaningful. As an illustration, self-reliant individuals might teach themselves how to play the guitar, bake an apple pie, or grow a flower garden. Nevertheless, it would be difficult to survive without the assistance of others. To demonstrate, a doctor might have to call a plumber to fix a leaking faucet; an engineer may need to ask an accountant to fill out his tax returns; and a lawyer with a sore tooth will have no choice but to consult a dentist.

  In the final analysis, neither complete self-dependence nor excessive  reliance on others is advisable or even feasible. Insofar as self-reliance can boost our efficiency and add meaning to our lives, I believe that it is a desirable trait to possess.

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本文标题:2018英语专业四级作文范文:自立 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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