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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!


  7 .... In reaction / response / answer to theevent / phenomenon / idea / question , somepeople say / think ....

  But do they realize...?

  7.1 Now most people get their news and informationabout the things that are happening at home andabroad from television. They believe the things theyhear and see on television. Probably most of theinformation is true, and we can believe it. But shallwe always believe the information which television gives us? Do we never suspect that the giveninformation might be slanted, distorted or the truth totally denied?


  7.2 In the past few years big business has fallen to a low level in public esteem. A recent Galluppoll shows that big business came in last, in terms of the quality of the products, among allthe enterprises which sell household appliances in Shanghai; at the top of the list were smallbusiness or business from small towns. in response to the poll, many businessmen argue thatthis public attitude is due to the inadequacy of their advertising and can be cured by steppingup their advertising campaigns. They are only fooling themselves. Do they realize that the realproblem for their loss of public respect is what they have been doing, not what they have beensaying about themselves?


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本文标题:2018英语专四作文常用句型之引导句(七) - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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