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  A hotly debated topic centers on whether the development of online social networks are eroding our civility, making rude and desrespectful to others. Some are convinced that social networks should bear the blame for people’s rudeness and indifference. Others consider it just a platform that reveals people’s true attitude. There are also people who take a different perspective and argue that it’s the technology that has reshaped the standard of rudeness of our culture. All the above views are justifiable to a certain extent. )Personally, I don’t think social networks should bear all the blame, yet it’s true that people are overly obsessed with the virtual world, thus showing less concern and respect to people around.

  People with good manners and those who lace respect to others are present at all times. It has more to do with education than with the influentce of new technologies. If a person is polite and considerate in real life, he/she is most likely to remain so when chatting or tweeting online. On the other hand, for a person who doesn’t behave properly in everyday life, no one would expect him/her to show good manners on social media either. So it is unreasonable to have social networks fully shoulder the blame for the eroding civility among people. However, hardly can anyone assert that social media are not changing anything. The advanced social networks bring unprecedented convenience to modern life. But as we become increasingly dependent on social networks, we also tend to neglect people around us. When we are busy posting the latest news on Facebook, we don’t care if our families are waiting to know how our life goes at school. When we sit in a coffee shop, staring at the screen of our cell phones and chatting with friends while giggling, we hardly notice anyone around us who would otherwise like to say hi or make an exchange or friendly smiles.

  In conclusion, social networks are not the root, but one reason that leads to the increasing indifference among people. We should learn to enjoy the convenience of modern technology, while trying to offset its disadvantages.


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本文标题:2018英语专四作文范文:社交网络是否让我们言行粗俗 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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