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  Daily life needs advertisements because the main function of advertising is to disseminate information on commodities, services, culture, employment, student enrolment and even marriage.


  Advertisements provide the most direct, comprehensive and detailed information. We get to know about household goods from advertisements. Advertising can be beneficial to the customers if it is true to its claims.


  Advertising creates mass markets. Without advertisements, manufacturers may find it difficult to sell their products.


  Without advertisements, newspapers, commercial radios and television companies could not survive.


  Advertisements are misleading and cheating. They are filled with flowery phrases and empty promises.


  Fake advertising cheats consumers and, in some serious cases, threatens gullible people‘s lives.


  Advertisers are inconsiderate of the public. What they care about is making money.


  Advertisements are not based on the quality of the goods, but on the principle that if one keeps talking about the same thing long enough, eventually people will pay attention to it.


  Advertising encourages consumers to “keep up with the Joneses”, namely, it creates an acquisitive society and a demand for material things.


  Consumers are encouraged by advertisements to buy insurance (fear); buy cosmetics (vanity); and eat more than necessary (greed)。


  Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.



  Advertising is common throughout the world as a way of letting the public know about a product. Some people feel that advertising is generally helpful, while others feel it is often harmful. Discuss your idea of good and bad effects of advertising, and decide whether you think it is generally helpful or harmful. Use specific examples to support your discussion.

  Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:

  The Good and Bad Effects of Advertising

  You are to write in four paragraphs.?

  In the first paragraph, state your point of view./;

  In the second paragraph, describe the harmful effects and give specific examples.?

  In the third paragraph, describe the helpful effects and give specific examples.?

  In the last paragraph, restate your point of view.?

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.

  Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.?


  In most countries in the world, advertising is common. You can see posters

  on doors, signs on buses, pictures in magazines, and commercials on TV. Though

  these signs of advertising are often disliked, I feel that, overall, advertising

  has very positive results.?

  The harmful effects of advertising are obvious. When you are listening to

  beautiful music on the radio, a commercial is disturbing when it interrupts your program and changes your mood. Television commercials are the worst of all. Your program is stopped, and you are forced to watch an advertisement unless you actively change the channel or leave the room. I think that there should be laws to limit the advertisers‘ right to interrupt TV and radio programs.?

  In general, however, I think that the positive results of advertisements are beneficial to society and individuals. When I do shopping, I can use advertisements in newspapers to compare prices, features, and quality of the product I want to buy. By being more informed, I can buy something that will benefit me in the long run. With advertisements, people save a lot of time in shopping, looking for jobs, etc.?

  Adversity leads to prosperity.


  All in all, for a wise and educated shopper, the helpful effects of advertising outweigh the harmful effects.?


  ① commercial商业广告?

  ② benefit me in the long run从长远来说对我有益。比较in the short run: 从短期来说?

  ③ all in all 总的说来;总之


  is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least.



  Ⅰ。 Introduction

  DS: ① ② …… (过渡句)?

  TS: Though these signs of advertising are often disliked, I feel that, overall, advertising has very positive results. (作者的观点。Though clause 使得表达上更严密。)?


  TS1: The harmful effects of advertising are obvious. (提出广告有害的一面)

  DS: ① …… ② …… ③ …… ④ ……(论据—supporting facts)?

  TS2: In general, however, I think that the positive results of advertisem

  ents are beneficial to society and individuals.(广告有益的方面)

  DS: ①… ②  …  ③  … (论据—supporting facts)?

  Ⅲ。 Conclusion

  All in all, for a wise and educated shopper, the helpful effects of advertising

  outweigh the harmful effects. (作者的结论。all in all起总结作用)

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