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  1.冒犯他可不是好玩的,我吃过苦头。(Offending him is nothing pleasant, as I know to my cost.)

  2.学生数这么少就开班从成本上讲划不来。(It isn’t cost-effective to open classes with so few students.)

  3.我恐怕这是我们的底盘价了,已经逼近我们的成本价,让我们几乎就没有利润了。(I’m afraid that’s our bottom offer. It’s already very close to our cost price, leaving us almost no margin of profit at all.)

  4.她良好的体态是经常锻炼的结果。(Her nice figure is due to regular work-out.)

  5.‘你好吗?’—‘好极了。’( ‘How are you?’—‘Can’t be better.’)

  6.事情本可以更好的。(Things could have been better.)

  7.如果你需要谁倾听你的苦处,我在这儿呢。(If you need a sympathetic ear, I am here.)

  8.我那样做纯粹是同情心使然。(I did that purely out of sympathy.)

  9.他是个非常宽宏大量又非常善解人意的人,无论什么情况下从不抱怨任何人、任何事。(He is a very tolerant and understanding man. He never complains about anyone and anything in any situation.)

  10.还好吗?“还好。”(How are you? “Oh, can’t complain.”)

  11.她说头疼,提前离开了。(She left early, complaining of a headache.)

  12.老天爷作证,这件事不是我做的。(Honest to goodness, I didn’t do it.)

  13.如果你再这么讲,我就请你出去!(If you go on talking like this, I’ll show you the door!)

  14.每一位婴儿的脸都有别于其他的婴儿。同样,每一位婴儿的发展道路也不同于其他婴儿。(Every baby’s face is different from every other’s. In the same way, every baby’s pattern of development is different from every other’s.)

  15.咯咯地笑着,儿子爬着进了我的书房,后面跟着我们的小狗Jimmy。(Giggling, my son crawled into my study, followed by our puppy, Jimmy.)

  16.他不能清楚地表达自己的想法,所以,就让我代劳吧。(Since he can’t put his ideas over clearly enough, allow me to speak on his behalf.)

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