

阅读 :

  1. It doesn't follow that one should abandon a workable plan simply because of minor setbacks . So doing would quite frankly be foolish .
  2. One corrupt politician does not suggest that all politicians are bad . Any such presumption is totally misguided .
  3. Don't get the idea that money grows on trees , or that there's such a thing as a free ride .
  4. Along with interest in music comes a greater awareness of culture .
  5. It's not that I don't want to be rich and famous . Obviously I do , but just haven't as yet found the way to get there .
  6. If the claims of the other side prove true , we may be forced to alter our position .
  7. The urgent need for nuclear nonprolifeation is undeniable . Moreover , failure to halt the spread of weapons of mass destruction increases the chance for nuclear holocaust .
  8. Having recognized the problem , it follows that we must develop a plan of action .
  29. Governments have reached a consensus on the need for peace and it follows that actions speak louder than words .
  10. The convincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the vile habit .

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