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  The Reasons for Unharmonious Teacher-studentRelationship


  As many former college students remember, whenthey were in college, students were fond ofdiscussing problems with professors in their field inclass. Professors were oftentimes invited toparticipate in students’extra-curricular activities.According to those former college students, at thattime students deemed professors as close friends that they could take into their confidence.However, both college students andprofessors are frustrated by the new type of teacher-student relationship.On various occasions, students absorb themselves in their own businesssuch as reading novels, sending short messages, sleeping and etc., while professors aredelivering their lectures. Despite the fact that many professors would like to avail every meansto persuade students to actively participate in class discussion, students seem to beindifferent. Undoubtedly, there are different factors that account for this unharmoniousrelationship. As for me, credit system should take the blame.


  Firstly, with the adoption of credit system, students are likely to perceive that the goal ofattending class is to earn credits. To quote a famous professor’s comments, “Are there anystudents who are willing to attend lectures in line with their own interests? I think to earncredits ranks top in their prioritiesto attend lectures.” Motivated by this mindset, students arelikely to lose interest in the courses they choose. What matters is not what they will learn fromprofessors; instead, they only show interest in how they can pass final exams with minimumefforts. Consequently, so long as they can perform successfully in final exams and earnrequired credits, whether they concentrate on class or not is not a big deal.


  Secondly, the adoption of credit system also results in some changes in professors’ mindset.Given that students perceive attending lectures to earn credits, professors would realize thatno matter how hard theytry to persuade students to participate in class, they are onlyrewarded by students’ indifference. When these professors can not find fulfillment in theinteraction with students in class, they are so frustrated that many of them will pay moreattention to their research so as to be promoted to a higher rank. In consequence,professors will allocate less time to prepare for the coming lectures. Gradually, professorswould find no passion, no fulfillment, and no incentive in class, which is to the detriment ofteacher-student relationship in any sense.


  On all accounts, when college students and professors are bonded by several credits, the oncesacred relationship is reduced to a trade relationship: students pay to earn credits andprofessors provide services by giving lectures. How can we expect an intimate relationship inthis circumstance?


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本文标题:2015英语专业八级作文范文(十一) - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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