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  Should We Return to Complex Chinese Characters?


  As one famous professor stated,“One can onlyappreciate the beauty of ancient Chinese literaturethroughthe complex Chinese characters.” What theprofessor wants to convey is that complex Chinesecharacters are manifestation of traditional Chineseaesthetics. However, since the foundation of thePRC, China began to adopt simplified Chinesecharacters, so that illiteracy can be more easily eliminated.


  Undoubtedly, the introduction of simplified Chinese characters contributes to China’smodernization. Sowhen a member of the national committee of CPPCC proposed that weshould return to Complex Chinese Characters, ongoing debates ensued with vehemence.Personally, it is impractical to return to Complex Chinese Characters, but individuals canvoluntarily make efforts to know Complex Chinese Characters.


  Firstly, since the simplified characters have played an indispensable role in people’s lives, wewill have to pay the price if we return to Complex Chinese Characters. To be specific,education administration has to bear the burden of changing textbooks; the corporateworld will have to change their advertisements, contracts and other documents; thegovernment has to change their seals, documents, agreements and treaties with foreignnations. Of course there are other costs resulting from the return to Complex ChineseCharacters. But the question lies in who are willing to bear the costs. In some impoverishedareas,many families can not afford to receive education; when the global economy is reducedto a slow-down,the corporate world is making efforts to cut costs. Therefore, I perceivethe policy of returning to Complex Chinese Characters will trigger oppositions from the public.


  Secondly, considering the amount of complex Chinese characters, can all the Chinese learnto recognize them overnight? While students have the time to learn Complex ChineseCharacters, what about people in other domains? The corporate world can not afford tointerrupt their business, government officials and civil servants can not be distracted fromrunning our country, doctors and nurses have to be at work in case that emergency arises,to list three typical domains that will be affected by the policy.


  Admittedly, returning to Complex Chinese Characters will help preserve traditional Chineseculture. WhenChina becomes more involved in the world, western cultures, especiallyAmerican culture, have influenced Chinese people at an unprecedented level. Many youngpeople look to learning foreign culture as fashionable. However, the obvious benefits cannot make us embrace the policy with open arms, for we should also bear in mind whether thepolicy is feasible.


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本文标题:2015英语专业八级作文范文(二十一) - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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