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  "Humorists"--the Friendliest

  I always insist that humorous people are the easiest to get along with. However, many other individuals, even if they are a mused by witty humorists at times, do not agree with me upon the fact that a humorous person can become a trusty friend.They refuse to accept "the humorous" possibly because they are deluded by three main misunderstandings.

  The first one is the erroneous association with adjectives such as "glib" and "superficial," which might attribute to the misunderstanding of the terminology "humor" itself. As we all know, in the modern English language, "humor" is no longer a general term for liquids in the body, but if we were asked what humor is, we would probably say that it's merely something that makes people laugh. I am sorry to mention that the statement above has badly decried the worth of the too-muchprofaned word. Humor is not only something that pleases you, but the very thing that pleases you meaningfully. Rather than arousing empty laugh that brays the sanctum, true humorists bring witty smiles to this world. A meaningful humorous story as well as a real humorous person invariably enjoy long life in other words, they are immortal. The work and life of La Fontaine,Moliere etc. did remind us;humor is valuable and profound.Therefore, befriending a humorous person will benefit both our body and mind.

  Another misunderstanding may be clearly expressed by sentences like "I feared that I would be made fun of by humorists."I think I must emphasize that real humorists do not play jokes on their friends. Even though they specialize in the art of irony,they do not exert that on the kind majority. Instead of designing a new laughing stock, they will convince their friends to smile at grief when they run into trouble. They bring encouraging shrugit offs to friends while reserving the bitter sarcasms for tyranny.Mark Twain, Gogol and Sha Yexin are people's friends and sensible critics. In the light of this, truly humorous people are philosophers of life who are worthy of making friends with.

  The third misunderstanding is an arbitrary belief that humorous ones are not qualified for any serious job. But the fact is,great achievements are always accomplished by people with a good sense of humor, not by unimaginative ones who toe the line. Humorous individuals have an intense dislike for red tape.They have long been guided by the faith that simplicity means "explicitness." When Sir Isaac Newton saw the apple fall, something humorous occurred to him that He (God) would not create another law for celestial bodies that differed from the one that confines the apple. It's true that a humorous emotion also haunted Einstein when he murmured to himself, "The rule for reference system in electrodynamics must not be anything different from that in mechanics." Then the theory of relativity was born. Following the thoughts of those giants, physicists have engaged themselves in the eternal pursuit of world' s unity and universality. And the pursuit continues... Hence, having a humorous friend will also help you to handle tough problems with ease and make inspirational discoveries in "serious jobs."

  So let's befriend the humorous ones. The world is simple and life is earnest.

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本文标题:英语专八作文范文:幽默的人是最好的朋友 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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