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 As is vividly demonstrated in the drawing above, a pleasant trip is spoiled by a man who takes off one of his shoes on a plane, which is most  thought-provoking. Phenomenon of the kind is not uncommon around us.

  The aim of the painter of the drawing can be briefed as follows. On the one hand, bad manners in public places can no longer be ignored. Over these years, the people’s living standards have greatly improved, but the development of our civilization seems to fall far behind. No matter where you live and work, bad manners are easily spotted. The stains of spitting and chewing gums have become the disaster of most public places. Good manners, such as waiting in line and saying “Thank you” and “Sorry”, are rarely found. We are losing the basic qualities of a modern citizen. On the other hand, it is urgent for us to eliminate our bad manners. As we know, China is an opening-up country. It is our obligation to display not only our economy development but also our national civilization to the international community. Such bad manners revealed in the drawing will spoil our international image. In sum, bad manners should arouse our social concern.

  In my view, counter-measures should be taken to get rid of the headache caused by bad manners. First of all, laws and regulations must be set up to ban bad manners. In addition, a nation-wide campaign must be launched to spread the importance of good manners among the general public, especially the young. Only in this way can we soon embrace a harmonious society.

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