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  What I Have Learned From My Years at University

  The development of an individual human existence can be divided into several important stages. But no period can be more influential upon the later course of our life than the years we have experienced in college. Here is the cradle of intelligentsia with vision, mission and passion. And now, as I am ready to leave campus and face the real world, I dare say that no other place can teach me more.

  I am very proud that in university I have learnt how important it is for one to have vision, that ability to see ahead of time and possibly others. College has raised me up, so that I could enjoy a broader view of the world. University Library, the sanctuary of mind always keeps me in a close touch with the great thoughts of giants, Shakespeare, Russell, Churchill, Roosevelt, to name only a few. All these overwhelmingly famous names have turned familiar and friendly here. These great minds teach me how to live a meaningful life. They warn me that the last but greatest enemy for mankind is human existence itself. Their words of wisdom shall guide and guard me to overcome all the obstacles beset in the course of my life. In the light of this statement, I have to say that college years have brightened up my vision.

  It is at university that I have acquired an added understanding of the meaning of mission i.e. man should have shoulders strong enough to take more responsibilities of the time. College has enriched me, so that I, to some extent, have discovered the truth to live by. When I was a sophomore, I was chosen a volunteer for the Red Cross Institution. My job, then, was to assist the doctor with the blood collecting in a blood donation car on the street. Those days bestowed me with a moving but a little bit singular picture, in which the painful injection and hearty smile are perfectly and beautifully combined. Every parcel of blood means a piece of hope, through which I see that the possession of life lies in sharing. This is how college years have defined my mission.

  It is after some years at university that I have better apprehended Toynbee when he said, “Glory belongs to those who are actually in the arena, fighting passionately whilst showing every now and then mistakes or shortcomings.” I have understood the spirit of transcending myself, sometimes even in a crazy way. If youth is the freshness of the deep springs of life, then college must be the fountain of passion. It cheers in the chaos of gym; it hides in the silence of lab. During the college years, I never stopped pursuing my own dream, because I never fail to be inspired by the flowing current of young passion.

  Lawrence H. Summers, former President of Harvard said in his farewell speech, “College graduates, capable of deep reflections are what the world needs.” Living in a world of madding crowd, a group, or even a small group of people are expected to remain transcendental and sober. If any can live up to so high a standard of existence, college graduates can. And I am fortunate in being among them at this moment and having spared little time cultivating my vision, mission and passion in the past four years. With these, I have better courage to change myself and most probably better preparation for my future.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:在大学学到了什么 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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