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  Nowadays, interview is frequently used by employers as one of the preferable means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many arguments for or against it as a selection procedure. Some people regard it as a good way to select employees in a short time while others think it not proper to decide on a person just by the simple means of interview. Both of them have some truth. But in my opinion, it is an efficient way to recruit a prospective employee.

  First of all, interview serves as an efficient way to examine if a person has the qualities that are needed for modern competition or for a certain company. In interview, one needs to present the best part of oneself to the interviewers. If the interviewee is well prepared and has a knowledgeable mind, he or she should show it plainly to the interviewers. The key point for the interviewee on this occasion is to be quick-minded and resourceful. Certainly one will come across some tough questions from the interviewers. What the latter expects is a witty even humorous answer. What is more, in an interview, facing a group of interviewers, who will make a decision on the interviewee' fate, the interviewee has to remain calm which is an essential quality for modern competition.

  Secondly, interview embodies fairness--the principle of modern society. During an interview, all interviewees will face the same conditions, such as the same place, the same time; they will face the same interviewers and questions of similar difficulties. The outstanding candidate has to surpass all the other interviewees in answering ail sorts of questions and it mainly depends on his or her own ability. And the judgment is not made by one interviewer but usually by a group of interviewers, which is more objective and democratic.

  Thirdly, interview offers a broader scope of selection for both the interviewers and interviewees. A company that needs to remit employees can hold a big interview to select their most ideal employees they expect from many applicants. The interviewees on the other hand, can attend several interviews to find the most appropriate companies in which they wish to work and develop. Thus interview is really a~ important bridge in the process of job hunting.

  To sum up, interview has many advantages to cater for modern society. Thanks to the interview, both companies and interviewees can make their best choices.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:面试招聘员工的有效方式 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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