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  Is Originality Important in Language Learning

  In my opinion, originality创意, 新奇is not important in language learning. The reason why I think so is that language learning does not need originality as a vital condition条件.

  Originality is less important to an English learner. A case in point恰当的例子 is in pronunciation. Every English learner has to spend a long and boring period of time on a large amount of大量 training of pronunciation. During those days, what students do is to try their best to imitate teacher's pronunciations about English words and make the sound of them, and then repeat them time by time. To an English learner, the experience is of great use很有用 to improve his pronunciation. From this case we can see clearly the great importance of imitation or repetition rather than originality or creativity in the beginning of language learning.

  Originality refers to creativity which amounts to changes, but there are many formed rules which cannot be changed in language, such as grammatical rules. We cannot create a new grammatical rule. It is the same that we cannot speak or write a language at will随意, 任意. If one who speaks English wants to make the other peopler understand him, he must speak it according to English grammar; otherwise nobody would understand him. Therefore, there is no originality in grammar learning of language.

  I do not think originality is important in language learning. It does not follow that originality is useless. It is when one masters a language and learns to use it that originality could give him a great beneficial help.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:学习语言时的创意 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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