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  It Is Not Effective to Charge for Plastic Bags

  One day when waiting for your groceries to be packed into free plastic bags, you may be surprised if the cashier at the check-out tells you the bags are extra, and you’d better believe it. Today, the pollution resulting from plastic bags has become a big threat to urban environment. Though daily use of free bags in supermarkets is tremendous in number, I don’t think consumers’ paying for plastic bags can take effect in controlling pollution.

  To begin with, it is unfair that only consumers should shoulder the responsibility of environmental pollution caused by supermarket plastic bags, providing free plastic shopping bags to customers is a marketing strategy adopted by supermarkets. Although supermarkets have to pay for the plastic bags, customers bring them far greater economic rewards in comparison to this minimal cost. From this point of view, it is the supermarkets that have gained the hidden profits through free plastic bags while consumers only get shopping conveniences they should have had.

  In addition, it is over-optimistic and a bit simple-minded to contend that charging for plastic shopping bags can help ease pollution problem. My own observation tells me that in most supermarkets plastic bags are offered by salespeople according to customers’ actual needs. Since the need for shopping bags does exist, charging for those bags is not so effective and it is impossible to resolve the current waste and pollution problems thoroughly. After all, with the improvement in people’s living standards, it is unrealistic to expect people to bring their own shopping baskets to the supermarket. Moreover, many people usually go to the supermarket after work for convenience, how call they take what they need home without using the plastic shopping bags? Pollution is attributed to various causes and abolition of shopping bags merely addresses the very tip of the iceberg.

  In short, it is not a wise policy to charge shopping bags just on the ground that it is likely to become a pollutant. Joint efforts should be made to deal with the pollution by various means, which include promoting the application of degradable plastic bags, seeking environmentally friendly substitutes, and strengthening supermarkets’ management over free plastic bags.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:塑料袋 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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