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  A school has been forced to 'ban' pupils frombringing 'inappropriate' designer handbags tolessons. Teachers at All Saints' Academy inCheltenham, Gloucestershire, claim the luxuryitems are not suitable for carrying A4 files,textbooks and PE kits.


  Some of the 900 students who arrived for the new term on January 5 with new bags fromdesigners including Ted Baker, which can cost up to £289, were told to bring a rucksack thenext day.


  But parents at the church school, which opened in 2011, said the clampdown was 'pathetic' andargued that many designer bags are perfectly functional.


  One mother, Martine Allen, claimed her teenage daughter was given a warning over her new£39 pink Ted Baker shopping bag.


  The 32-year-old said: 'I fully understand and totally agree with the handbag situation goingon.


  '[But] my daughter's bag is 36cm in height and width and a 15cm depth. It can carry all herbooks, PE kit, lunch, in it at once.


  'In my sense [it] is fully reasonable for her school equipment. She now has to take a Jack Willsrucksack which doesn't fit half of what she needs in it and it is a named bag.'


  The headteacher, Dermot McNiffe, issued the handbag warning to pupils in a letter to parentson December 18 last year, as well as banning mobiles during school hours.


  Photographs of the kind of bags he deemed suitable and the kind of designer handbags he didnot were included in the letter.


  He wrote: 'A school bag is an essential item for all our students.


  'In keeping with our policy on excellent standards of uniform, we are requesting students usean appropriate bag for school that will contain books and folders of an A4 size.


  'We have identified that there has been a lack of clarity on the type of bag to use for school,which has resulted in some students using designer handbags which are not appropriate forcarrying exercise and text books to school.


  'Many thanks for your continued support in helping All Saints' Academy maintain standards inuniform and expectations for learning.'


  Parents have since slammed the decision on Facebook.


  Annabel Holland wrote: 'Unless they provide every pupil with a school rucksack as part of theuniform I don't see how they can tell you what bag you can and can't take to school.'


  Tracie Hale added: 'They go to school for an education does it really matter what bag they use.Pathetic really.'


  And Vicki Hodges said: 'They should have stated this before the kids went back in September.


  'I don't see what the difference is between a River Island hand bag and an Adidas back pack.They've both got brand names on and can both fit school books and folders in.

  “我认为River Island(英国最有名的高街时尚品牌之一)的手提包和阿迪达斯背包没有什么区别。既都是名牌,又都能装下课本和活页夹。”

  '(It) doesn't affect them learning in the slightest.'


  It comes after a 13-year-old schoolgirl claimed she was sent home from the school on the firstday of term in 2013 because her skirt was 'too stretchy'.


  Holly-Mae Donaldson's skirt conflicted with the school's uniform code, which states all skirtsmust be knee-length without splits or pleats, and must not stretch.


  Mr McNiffe added: 'School bags are an essential item for all of our students and in keepingwith our excellent standards of uniform, we have requested to parents that students use anappropriate school bag.


  'As an Academy we don't consider designer handbags to be appropriate for the school day.


  'Being properly organised for school with the appropriate equipment and uniform contributesto our focus on a strong learning culture.'


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