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  Xu Yaqiong recently turned down a job offering more than 7,000 yuan a month with a private-owned overseas study agency. Instead, she joined a State-owned media company paying onlyhalf as much. But Xu believes she made the right choice.


  “I think I will have a better career with a State-owned company than a private one,” explainsthe 22-year-old international journalism major from the Communication University of China.


  Xu is not alone in making this decision. During the national recruitment week for privateenterprises held at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, private-ownedcompanies, especially small and medium-sized ones, were given the cold shoulder, reportedEconomic Daily.


  Figures from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce show that private enterprisesaccount for 80 percent of urban employment and generate 90 percent of new jobs. But asurvey of 43,750 students who will graduate with a bachelor’s degree this year found that only15 percent want to work for a private company.


  Wu Yuzhou, from the career center at Beijing Language and Culture University, believes thepreference among graduates for State-owned enterprises is partially due to “face” (mianzi).


  “Traditionally, Chinese tend to think working for public or State-owned institutions is moredecent,” says Wu.


  That said, Wu also acknowledges that, in general, State-owned companies do have an edge interms of the stability, management, and career prospects they offer.


  “In major cities, State-owned companies offer a hukou (or permanent residence permit)while many private-owned ones do not,” says Wu.


  Xie Chenqian, 22, agrees. “Among my classmates, those who want to stay in Beijing are notinterested in private companies, because many of them can’t provide a Beijing hukou.”


  The marketing major from the University of International Business and Economics recentlysigned a contract with China Construction Bank.


  A survey of more than 150,000 college students by, a social networking website,in May indicates that “reputation and the scale of the company’s business” is of more concernto students looking for a job than the salary or location.


  But this doesn’t mean private companies are losing their competitiveness.


  According to figures from China’s National Bureau of Statistics, private-owned enterprisesperformed much better than State-owned ones last year. Private companies increased theirprofit by 20 percent in 2012, while State-owned ones saw profits drop by 5.1 percent.


  “Over the past six years, private companies have been developing very fast, especially thoselisted on the stock market,” says Shi Guangyao, director of the China Center for Market ValueManagement.


  Mu Shiguo, 22, thinks private companies provide many opportunities.


  “It’s much easier to get a job in a private company,” says the biotechnology major at SouthwestJiaotong University. “Competition in State-owned companies is so fierce that it’s difficult tostand out.”


  Only recently, Mu signed a contract with a private company and is happy with its energeticenvironment.


  Liang Yuexian, human resources manager at iQiYi, China’s leading online television and movieportal, agrees. Nearly 80 percent of employees in her department are under 35 years old, andshe thinks it’s good for graduates.


  “Our business is soaring and our employees are young, so there are more chances forpromotion,” says Liang.


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:国企OR私企 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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