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  As many families become rich enough to spare wives from having to work, the centuries-old(悠久的)Chinese value that a woman's position is at home revives(复兴). The question of whether to be a housewife or a career woman puzzles many Chinese married women. In my opinion, women should never quit their career.

  In the first place, when a woman leaves her job and becomes a full-time housewife, family and husband will be the centre of all her life, and she will gradually lose her self-esteem(自尊)and become spiritually dependent on her husband. However, if the husband is too busy to spare as much time for her as she has expected, she will feel empty and frustrated.

  Moreover, great differences in the living environment between husband and wife may result in a tremendous gap, which may ruin the harmonious family relationship. When a woman gives up her paid job, she will be isolated from the society, and thus ignorant of(不知道)the latest happenings in the world while her husband who fully participates in various social activities will be well-informed(消息灵通的, 熟悉的, 博识的, 见闻广博的)and upgraded concerning taste and knowledge. Consequently, the couple will have difficulties communicating with each other. This may lead to serious family crisis.

  Last but not least, a married woman, when quitting from the job, will lose economic independence, which is most important in case of divorce. As the divorce rate is growing higher and higher in today's society, women need to have a career so that they will have a means to support themselves and their children when marriage breaks up.

  In conclusion, a career enables women to live a fuller and safer life. They should have their own career for the well-being(康乐, 安宁, 福利)of themselves and their families.





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本文标题:2017专八作文范文:已婚妇女的选择 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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