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  More Pressure from Academic Studies Does Good to Us

  There has been a heated debate about the effect of pressure from academic studies on us students in our college. Some of my fellow students argue that it is not good for us to study under great pressure. Personally I do not agree upon this view.

  My argument that more pressure does good to us is based on the following two reasons. First, no pressure means no progress. With the development of our society, competition among people grows more and more fierce, college students are no exception. They must learn how to deal with future challenges foreseeable even today. Under pressure, each student has to work hard to lay a solid foundation of his or her specialties. Companies are likely to employ those who have done well in their special field of study. Therefore, in college the top ones will make great efforts to take the lead, whereas the low achievers will do their utmost to catch up. Second, no pressure means no self-discipline.The teachers do give assignments from time to time, yet they have not imposed enough pressure on the students. As a result, quite a few of us idle away their time by playing video games, playing with Internet, or playing cards. All these do not merely happen on weekends. With more academic pressure upon the students, they will not cherish their time and have self-restrictions with their study and even self-behavior.

  In summary, I believe more pressure from academic studies does a great deal of good to us college students. If we treat pressure with a correct attitude, we will surely make more progress in our study.

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本文标题:2017专八作文范文:来自学术研究的更多压力对我们有好处 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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