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  Nowadays, when the public holiday comes, people’s first choice is to travel. The hot tourist sites are covered with people all the time. Some people like to visit the tall buildings while some people trend to appreciate the beauty of nature. Different people have different views on the sightseeing.


  If people like to visit the tall buildings, the big cities are suitable for them. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou can let people experience the vitality of the city and learn about the cutural background. It can also help them to know more about the country and master the chance of development.


  If people choose to appreciate the grand nature, then the place like Tibet is their best choice. After living in the lively city for such a long time, it is time to stay away from the crowd and find their inner peace. Getting close to the nature can help people clear their minds and find the balance of their hearts. So that they will be full of energy when they come back to work.


  Visiting the tourist sites can help people adjust their mood and broaden their vision.


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本文标题:2017专八作文范文:参观旅游景点的好处 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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