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  For college students, the stage of going to college is like the turning point of their lives. If they study well and have clear aim about their future, then they can get successful much more easier. But the interpersonal relationship can’t be ignore, it is also the very important lesson for students to learn.


  When students come to college, learning the knowledge is not their only purpose, they also need to learn how to get along with others. We are not the only person in the world, it is necessary for us to make connection with others. It is very important skill to make a living.


  In the college, interpersonal relationship can be tracked in the small issues, such as how to get along with your roommates. Most students never stay away from their parents, so they don’t know the rules to live with so many persons. It is important to be tolerant and nice to others, we need to consider things from the common interest. If we can handle this well, then we have the good social skill.


  So having the social skill is the indispensable lesson for us.


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本文标题:2017专八作文范文:人际关系 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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