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  Orignal Novels or Adapted Version in Films?


  As we all know, nowadays many novels are adapted into films.Some readers severely criticize those films,for the adaptation leaves no room for the audience to imagine;meanwhile other audience find it acceptable. As far as I am concerned,the original novels and adapted version in films can go hand in hand in harmony for the boom and flowering of the literature.The two do not have to be placed in such a binary opposition.

  I think they can promote each other and the relationship should be beneficial.First of all,the original novels are the important part of the literature.They are presented in the form of pages and books.They are also the basic carrier of human culture.For thousands of years,people start their education by reading books and many of them are concerned with literature.We have been long used to reading literature through books.Therefore,the original novels are the basis of human knowledge.

  Secondly,the technological advancement is on the move at an unprecedented speed in the present society.Besides,our society has been more and more commercial and realistic and material.Because of all this,a lot of the original novels can be adapted into films for the consumers.The adapted films are part of the fast-food culture,in which people are impatient to read the novels in the original.The audience want to save more time to get more from the books.As a result,the adapted films have satisfied their appetites.As we can read from the entertainment news,a lot of novels in England and American have been adapted into films very successfully.And they are also very popular among the audience.I think in this way the original novels and the adapted films become one.

  Finally,the integration of the two is of great significance for the readers and the illiterate people. The literate students can comment on the adapted films and maybe the adapted films can help them better understand the novels they have read.For the illiterate people,the adapted films can help them learn about the novels that they have not read.

  To sum up,the original novels and adapted version in films can complement each other very well.They needto be integrated for the boom of the human culture.

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本文标题:2018专八写作范文:小说还是改编电影 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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