

阅读 : 192 次





  1.Everybody knows that…

  2.It can be easily proved that…

  3. It is true that…

  4. No one can deny that

  5. One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is…

  6. The chief reason is that…

  7. We must recognize that…

  8. There is on doubt that…

  9. I am of the opinion that…

  10. This can be expressed as follows;

  11. To take …for an example…

  12. We have reason to believe that

  13. Now that we know that…

  14. Among the most convincing reasons given, one should be mentioned…

  15. The change in …largely results from the fact that

  16. There are several causes for this significant growth in…,first…,second ,finally…

  17. A number of factors could account for the development in…

  18. Perhaps the primary reason is…

  19. It is chiefly responsible of…

  20. The reasons for…are complicated, And probably they are found in the fact…

  21. Here are several possible reasons, excerpt that…

  22. Somebody believes/argues/holds/insists/thinks that…

  23. It is not simple to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon…

  24. Different people observes it in different ways.

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本文标题:2018专八作文句型:用于解释性和阐述性论说文 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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