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  extracurricular/after-school training

  A survey in Beijing found that 92% of the Grade 4 and Grade 5 pupils interviewed received extracurricular training. The cost of after-school classes is extremely expensive and some parents even lamented that what they were raising were not children but "cash burners".


  ➤课外培训(extracurricular/after-school training)课程既包括乐器、绘画、滑冰等兴趣班(interest-oriented class),也包括英语、数学等主课的补习班(cram study sessions of major courses)。这些课程的费用动辄数千或上万元。

  ➤为什么越来越多的中国家庭被花费巨大、花样百出的课外培训绑架?《中国青年报》称,我国中产阶层父母(middle-class parents)对孩子的未来处于持续焦虑状态(in a state of permanent anxiety),担心孩子如果不发展任何艺术特长(if they don't develop any artistic talent)或在学习上落后于同龄人,就会输在起跑线上(lose the race on the starting line)。一些课外培训机构(after-school training agencies)也推波助澜,极力夸大课外培训的作用。


  阶层固化 class solidification

  补习班 cram study session

  应试教育 exam-oriented education

  择校费 school selection fee

  优质教育资源 quality education resources

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本文标题:2018专八作文热点话题语料:课外培训 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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